Sunday, March 21, 2010

Shane started my weekend out right by bring home the New Moon dvd :) Then we had family and baby pictures. I'm so anxious to get our pictures back. I'm know we had to have gotten some amazing shots! Brayden was so happy and ending up LOVING the camera! Seeing how fast their cameras were and how they captured each moment really made Shane and I want one so bad. I have been doing some research and think I have found a great camera for an awesome deal. I cant wait to be able to capture all of Braydens moments! Shane pulled a muscle in his back so he literally cant move :( It takes ALOT for Shane to call off work so I know he is in horrible pain. :( So I'm officially taking care of two babies! I just hope he gets better soon because I feel so bad for him being in so much pain. Although I'm getting a glimpse into our future seeing as he is walking like an 80 year old man! Brayden has gotten so loud with all of his baby babble. Its the cutest thing. He trys to grab everything now... His new thing is grabbing mommys hair when we are playing. Its the neatest thing watching him grow and develop new skills. I love my boys so much!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Brayden 3 months!

So Im a few days late but i really cant believe Brayden is 3 months old! Our lives were completely changed the second he was born. I wouldn't change one thing about my life now... Brayden just brightens each day. I look forward to our early mornings when he is so happy. Playing with him after each feeding. Every diaper change because he is particularly smiliey. Every bath when he is so calm. Reading to him every night.... I am so completely in love with this little guy its amazing. Here are a few pictures we took the day he turned 3 months! :)

Braydens Laugh

After trying for the last 2 weeks we FINALLY got Braydens laugh on video!!! The second we put the camera to his face he starts staring... This time we came from behind and captured his cute laugh... listen closely because it isnt too loud. Hope you enjoy!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hello family and friends--- We decided to take the plunge and get a blog :) For everyone who cant be close to us to be able to see Brayden grow! Time is flying by so fast hes not that little baby we brought home not too long ago. He is growing so fast I cant believe in just a couple of days he will be three months old already! He is so big! We love watching him grow and discover new things in the world. We really cant wait to see how much he grows and the months keep passing. Brayden does his baby babble and smiles all the time. He also laughed for the first time on March 8th for daddy during bath time. Mommy got to see his laugh the very next day. It brings the biggest smile and maybe a little tear to my eye to see him smile and laugh. He is currently going through his 3 month growth spurt.... waking up more at night finishing bottle after bottle. I really dont know where he puts all this food. We will try our best to keep this updated with new pictures and videos so you can all watch him grow :)