Sunday, March 21, 2010

Shane started my weekend out right by bring home the New Moon dvd :) Then we had family and baby pictures. I'm so anxious to get our pictures back. I'm know we had to have gotten some amazing shots! Brayden was so happy and ending up LOVING the camera! Seeing how fast their cameras were and how they captured each moment really made Shane and I want one so bad. I have been doing some research and think I have found a great camera for an awesome deal. I cant wait to be able to capture all of Braydens moments! Shane pulled a muscle in his back so he literally cant move :( It takes ALOT for Shane to call off work so I know he is in horrible pain. :( So I'm officially taking care of two babies! I just hope he gets better soon because I feel so bad for him being in so much pain. Although I'm getting a glimpse into our future seeing as he is walking like an 80 year old man! Brayden has gotten so loud with all of his baby babble. Its the cutest thing. He trys to grab everything now... His new thing is grabbing mommys hair when we are playing. Its the neatest thing watching him grow and develop new skills. I love my boys so much!

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